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Black Duck

Black Duck





Chinese Crab

Chinese Crab


Gagamba or spider

Probosis Monkey

Probosis Monkey


Rooster, cockerel or cock is a male chicken which is usually joined in sabungan. This type of chicken is breed. Immature male chickens of less than a year's age are called cockerels.


Lion or King of the Jungle


Kalapati is one of the famous pet in Pinoy. The difference of this birds on other domesticated birds such martinez or parrot is that you do not cage them but allow them to fly freely. This is done so that they can attract minority group of kalapati. This is the technique of pet owners to increase their population.


Dragonfly or tutubi are valuable predators that eat mosquitoes, and other small insects like flies, bees, ants, and butterflies. They are usually found around lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands because their larvae, known as nymphs, are aquatic.

Lipstick Tang Fish

Sailfin Tang Fish

Sailfin Tang Fish


Chicken is one of the useful domesticated pets. Poultry have hundreds of chickens and chicks that lay eggs and some are harvest for poultry product.

Honey Bee

Honey bees are a subset of bees in the genus Apis, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perennial, colonial nests out of wax. Honey bees are the only extant members of the tribe Apini, all in the genus Apis. Currently, there are only seven recognized species of honey bee with a total of 44 subspecies though historically, anywhere from six to eleven species have been recognized. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the approximately 20,000 known species of bees. Some other types of related bees produce and store honey, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees.

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